Hydrotech 5 Litre Steel
Availability: In store purchase only
Hydrotech are a UK company renowned in the diving world with a well established pedigree. For over twenty years they have been innovators in their field and they have now brought their experience to the air gun charging world. Hydrotech Airgun Cylinders and valves are rated to 300 Bar to give you the most from each fill and are fitted with a rubber boot to give a stable base and protect the paint, giving the cylinder a longer life. They are constructed from lightweight steel with an SanOSub chrome-plated brass valve.
- The supplied filling adaptor incorporates a unique removable flow restrictor - fitted within the hose connector protecting your gun from damage resulting from accidentally filling too quickly.
- Hydrotech cylinders come equipped with an SanOSub 300 Bar DIN valve with bleed screw and pressure gauge and boot.
- All cylinders will require safety testing every 5 years - this is a service we provide.
- All cylinders are to be collected from the store, and come fully charged with 300 Bar of diving quality air (filtered to remove moisuture).
- Sizes available: 3 litre 300 Bar (dumpy), 5 litre 300 Bar, 7 litre 300 Bar and 12 litre 300 Bar.
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